D3D device being lost while playing GTA Vice City

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User avatar Romania
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Joined: 11 Sep 2009, 06:04
Name: Dragoș-Valentin Rădulescu
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Age: 33

D3D device being lost while playing GTA Vice City

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I saw this error may happen for multiple reasons but in my case i got it after i disassembled the Graphics card to clean it and change the thermal paste. I used a thicker white paste that didnt help dissipate the heat and the GPU shut down the game. Fixed it by using silver thermal paste.
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 198] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')
Formerly known as TheKiller
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