UndeadNation servers have ended.

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UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by DeepImpact »

* All UndeadNation servers have ended.
* I figured I'd let everyone know..... here.

* Sorry.. I did not want to... but i had no other choice.
* Unless you wanted to pay my outrageous at&t bill?

* When your home phone and 18mb slow internet is higher than your electric bill. It's time to get something else.
and I did. The 2 new internet providers available doesn't allow servers... So I had to let the servers go.
At&t are a greedy rip off company.. they steadily go up on your bill like clockwork. every 1-3 months.
They been doing it for years.... i had to draw the line.
Well.. NO MORE! BYe bye AT&T! you shall not be going up on my bill.. ever again! enjoy. i know i will.
I'll use dial-up internet before I'd ever use at&t again. huhuh.. and that ain't no joke.
I'll use a tin can and some string... lol! or I'll just drive there.. itta be way way cheaper. :-/
Gasoline is cheaper than at&t. LOLOL! and that isn't a joke....

+ Now my internet is 100mb+ and a 100x cheaper. + a phone. :)

* Old site links should redirect to a free forum i set up. so i can keep my domain names.
- http://lotd.us.to (I may make that site work again soon tho. give me time.)
- http://undeadnation.us.to (old forum)
- https://undeadnation.forumotion.com (new forum.)
... if the old urls don't redirect: open command prompt and type in: ipconfig /flushdns
u don't have to join... i am just saying... that's where i went too. and Why.
I figured I owed it to the lotd people.

* Thanks LOTD Players! U made my day a lot back in the day.
... destro... hit me up... get on your server sometime... yup.

Thanks for listening....
and Thanks rising-dead.com for keeping up this forum.
I shall stop by now... from time to time.
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Hello Deep, im sorry to hear this. Having servers running made me wory free as the game was in good hands with servers that can still provide a good gameplay. Im still good knowing Destroyer is keeping his server up and running.... I've been thinking lately if i should waste some cash to host a server myself, even though i dont play for over a decade.... Theres nobody to play with either.

Thank you for your devotion to the game for all these years!

If you want, i can host the lotd.us.to site. You can host it yourself also. For a bit over four years the forums are running on a freehost and as you could see, its been very reliable.

You should move to Romania for cheaper internet. I pay 6.55$ a month for the 500mbps package with 20GB free cloudstorage. :P
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by DeepImpact »

Thanks for the reply Dragos!

and maybe i will just move there. indeed.
for there must be a better place. somewhere.
but i don't think that is anywhere on this planet.
no matter where you go on earth... greed and taxes on your own home and land shall follow.
to be continued.....
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by Anthrax5060 »

If you ever revive the -lotd.us server, I'll be there.
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by Dragosvr92 »

@Anthrax5060, But the server is still running.
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by Anthrax5060 »

Dragosvr92 wrote: 03 Aug 2024, 06:50 @Anthrax5060, But the server is still running.
It's running, yes, but you can't join it. When you try to join, it always tries to download files from lotd.us. Which isn't an accessible site, so it fails and you can't join. Tried it on a map I already have downloaded, still failed, so it's in limbo right now.
User avatar Romania
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Re: UndeadNation servers have ended.

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Ah, i get what you are saying. His redirect is offline. He should just remove the redirect address and let the server download via the game server itself. I emailed DeepImpact about it. Hope he fixes it.
Formerly known as TheKiller
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