* I figured I'd let everyone know..... here.
* Sorry.. I did not want to... but i had no other choice.
* Unless you wanted to pay my outrageous at&t bill?
* When your home phone and 18mb slow internet is higher than your electric bill. It's time to get something else.
and I did. The 2 new internet providers available doesn't allow servers... So I had to let the servers go.
At&t are a greedy rip off company.. they steadily go up on your bill like clockwork. every 1-3 months.
They been doing it for years.... i had to draw the line.
Well.. NO MORE! BYe bye AT&T! you shall not be going up on my bill.. ever again! enjoy. i know i will.
I'll use dial-up internet before I'd ever use at&t again. huhuh.. and that ain't no joke.
I'll use a tin can and some string... lol! or I'll just drive there.. itta be way way cheaper. :-/
Gasoline is cheaper than at&t. LOLOL! and that isn't a joke....
+ Now my internet is 100mb+ and a 100x cheaper. + a phone.

* Old site links should redirect to a free forum i set up. so i can keep my domain names.
- http://lotd.us.to (I may make that site work again soon tho. give me time.)
- http://undeadnation.us.to (old forum)
- https://undeadnation.forumotion.com (new forum.)
... if the old urls don't redirect: open command prompt and type in: ipconfig /flushdns
u don't have to join... i am just saying... that's where i went too. and Why.
I figured I owed it to the lotd people.
* Thanks LOTD Players! U made my day a lot back in the day.
... destro... hit me up... get on your server sometime... yup.
Thanks for listening....
and Thanks rising-dead.com for keeping up this forum.
I shall stop by now... from time to time.