finally got started

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finally got started

Post by Samus Aran »

well, I finally got started with the map, but everytime I test it, I just kinda fucking DIE, without being able to do anything! so far, it's a giant box of concrete (hollow) with a Sphere static mesh in the middle, with two start points, and zombie factory around the Static mesh. any ideas on what's wrong?
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Re: finally got started

Post by Dragosvr92 »

That Could be for two reasons :
  1. You put the PlayerStar icon in a place too high or you didnt at all...
  2. You Havent builded the map ... Look at the top ang Go to Build/Build All
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Re: finally got started

Post by Samus Aran »

That was it... and after that, realized I didn't even add lights lol :)) thanks!
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Re: finally got started

Post by Dragosvr92 »

No Problem :)
Good Luck !
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Re: finally got started

Post by Samus Aran »

Don't Wanna Spam the thread with a new topic, So I'll post my new problem here.

so now, when I add in the Purple sun (yes, purple sun, in the game of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, the dark world is purple), it only illuminates a couple corners. plus, my zombie factories won't work! I would supply screenshots, but it really wouldn't help..
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Re: finally got started

Post by Dragosvr92 »

Good decision ;)

hmm.... im not sure what to say about your Sun.. just try changing the settings more high or whatever :|
About the Factorys ... you have to set up the zombiefactorys settings and also the GametypeSettings from View/LevelPropreties/LevelInfo

By the way .. i noticed your sig image got deleted from that link .so i fixed it for you ..
i had it laying on my HDD As i wanted to PM You to resize it as it was too huge ;)
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Re: finally got started

Post by Damocles »

Glad to hear you've made progress Samus. Is the sphere you mentioned intended to be the sun? If so.. it's just a matter of adding purple lights around it. Set the distance from the sun as you like, as well as the light brightness. Btw.. when I start a map.. I go to level properties/zonelight and turn the ambient glow up to about 20. It lights up the map so it's easier to see and avoids the hassle of placing a bunch of lights. Add lights as you need them of course. Don't forget to change ambient glow back to zero when you have sufficient lighting as it can cause shadows to look weird.

As for zombie factories.. the first thing you should do is go the actor browser and load TrinInvasionV3. You will now have trin zombie factory v2. Use that. Once the factory has been placed, go to opponent types(in opponent factory) in its properties. Add as many as you like (3 or 4 is good). Then you add the skill level, pawn type, and the controller type(trinv2 no charge zombie controller is what I use). You can also tweak the factory further by going to the trin v2 zombie factory settings below the opponent factory settings. Repeat this for however many factories you use. Don't forget to place a path node if front of the zombie factory. When you're done that, you need to set the gametype and level specific info. Go to level properties/level info. In the default gametype area type: TrinInvasionV3.TrinV3StandardIN. Then go to Level specific info below that. Click on it and choose TrinV3WaveMultiplayerLevelInfo. Select new. You will now be able to set the parameters of your map. Build all and save (you will do a LOT of that). Try the level.. you should have your zeds! :D Hope this helps.
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Re: finally got started

Post by Samus Aran »

Damocles wrote:Glad to hear you've made progress Samus. Is the sphere you mentioned intended to be the sun? If so.. it's just a matter of adding purple lights around it. Set the distance from the sun as you like, as well as the light brightness. Btw.. when I start a map.. I go to level properties/zonelight and turn the ambient glow up to about 20. It lights up the map so it's easier to see and avoids the hassle of placing a bunch of lights. Add lights as you need them of course. Don't forget to change ambient glow back to zero when you have sufficient lighting as it can cause shadows to look weird.

As for zombie factories.. the first thing you should do is go the actor browser and load TrinInvasionV3. You will now have trin zombie factory v2. Use that. Once the factory has been placed, go to opponent types(in opponent factory) in its properties. Add as many as you like (3 or 4 is good). Then you add the skill level, pawn type, and the controller type(trinv2 no charge zombie controller is what I use). You can also tweak the factory further by going to the trin v2 zombie factory settings below the opponent factory settings. Repeat this for however many factories you use. Don't forget to place a path node if front of the zombie factory. When you're done that, you need to set the gametype and level specific info. Go to level properties/level info. In the default gametype area type: TrinInvasionV3.TrinV3StandardIN. Then go to Level specific info below that. Click on it and choose TrinV3WaveMultiplayerLevelInfo. Select new. You will now be able to set the parameters of your map. Build all and save (you will do a LOT of that). Try the level.. you should have your zeds! :D Hope this helps.
The sphere in the center isn't meant to be the sun. it's on the ground halfway under so only the top shows. the sun is just kinda not building right, not giving ANY at all!
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Re: finally got started

Post by Damocles »

I haven't tried the sunlight actor class yet, but I have a method using a light that does work. Place a light (lol) near the top of the map. Go into its properties and make the following changes: In *corona*; set rotation=0.1, max distance=100000, min distance=100. In *Display*, you will have to add a skin and change the texture. Go to skins and press *add*. Then go to the texture browser and load SpecialFX.utx. I will use the sunspot texture. Highlight the texture, go back to skins (in light properties), and press *use*. The texture will appear but will look odd. Next.. go to the texture tab at the bottom of display properties. Change the texture as described previously. You will now see the sunspot in the map. Now go to *lighting* and change the following properties to True: bActor shadows, bCorona, bDynamic light, bLighting visibility, and bSpecial lit. To get the purple light effect throughout the map, there are two ways. You could just make all your lights purple, but that seems like a lot of work to me. I would just simply go to level properties/zonelight and match the ambient hue and saturation values with the color you used. The ambient brightness you can work out to the desired effect. Build all/save. Play the level to check sun placement and ambient brightness. That's pretty much it. If you encounter problems, don't hesitate to reply. Good luck. :)

P.S. If you are going to use a skybox, it will require a couple zoneinfo/skyzoneinfo tweaks to get the purple to show up inside the map and outside. Let me know. Get the sun placed first.

*edit* Forgot to mention to also change light radius in *lighting*. Start with Light radius=10000.
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Re: finally got started

Post by Samus Aran »

alright, Damocles, I'm gonna try that tomorrow. by the way, I plan to have this map to work on most all gametypes (Except CTF lol)

also, where may I access the shaders? If I could change the color of the weapon flash, that would be great
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