Search found 218 matches

by Puppy Wehtam
08 Aug 2021, 14:05
Forum: General LOTD Support
Topic: Hello Friends, how can solve this .uc convert .u to this error tips?
Replies: 6
Views: 7324

Re: Hello Friends, how can solve this .uc convert .u to this error tips?

You can't edit files used in a map or else it causes an error with that map....
by Puppy Wehtam
16 Apr 2019, 23:07
Forum: Introductions
Topic: The current state of the LOTD community
Replies: 3
Views: 4346

Re: The current state of the LOTD community

*lurking in the shadows*
by Puppy Wehtam
13 Nov 2018, 12:20
Forum: General LOTD Support
Topic: Problem with downloading map
Replies: 4
Views: 4716

Re: Problem with downloading map

If I'm correct there is a ready click and play package to download that Punk made that is quite a few gigabytes in size. You just got to get in contact with Punk and he can give you the link.
by Puppy Wehtam
22 Oct 2018, 14:41
Forum: General LOTD Support
Topic: I need some help editing the game.
Replies: 2
Views: 4070

Re: I need some help editing the game.

#1 Marcus should be able to help you with the translation thing since he did it already for a bunch of stuff in multiplayer. #2 Replace zombie factories with Trin's zombie factories from his files and edit running speed in the factory settings. #3 No idea since I play multiplayer only when I do play...
by Puppy Wehtam
02 Oct 2018, 20:48
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Hi i'm new but not to the game
Replies: 2
Views: 3956

Re: Hi i'm new but not to the game Go to that link with your facebook account, join the group, and ask there. I'm sure Punk will see your post there and provide a link to his torrent that has everything you need. If, after downloading his torrent, you can't see the servers then go here; LOTD...
by Puppy Wehtam
22 Jun 2018, 09:38
Forum: Introductions
Topic: Helloooo......I am Angel Beland
Replies: 1
Views: 3504

Re: Helloooo......I am Angel Beland

Hello Angel, welcome.
by Puppy Wehtam
24 Apr 2018, 00:47
Forum: General LOTD Support
Topic: music and cinematic cutscenes not working
Replies: 4
Views: 4962

Re: music and cinematic cutscenes not working

Did you make sure to install all the patches and read the help guides in this forum for windows 10 issues and did what they said to do?
by Puppy Wehtam
24 Apr 2018, 00:42
Forum: General LOTD Support
Topic: Land of the Dead level editor question
Replies: 4
Views: 5324

Re: Land of the Dead level editor question

There is an editor. It is not simple to learn and it is already with the game. Make sure you have all the patches for the game installed first and anything you need to know is in this forum's HOW TO section. You are just going to have to put the effort into looking through the stuff to learn things....
by Puppy Wehtam
12 Apr 2018, 14:43
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Are we dead?!
Replies: 10
Views: 10073

Re: Are we dead?!

I'm still around though I tend to keep to the shadows a lot more than anything.
by Puppy Wehtam
08 Nov 2017, 15:53
Forum: Download Maps and Mods
Topic: INLOTDGallery
Replies: 2
Views: 4986

Re: INLOTDGallery

I really enjoyed this map. I was happily surprised to see I was on the leader-board lol.